Contul meu

Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge

Starea Carții:
Stare foarte bună. Mici semne de uzură (ex: zgârieturi). Funcționează perfect

8,00 lei

1 în stoc

ISBN 9780747549031


In this work, the author draws on his own knowledge of and extensive contacts within the Arab world to produce both a thorough biography and a psychological profile of the most powerful and unpredictable man in the world today. He explains why Saddam behaves as he does by suggesting that his life has been marked by a series of personal quests: for recognition after being orphaned and brought up by a destitute uncle for control of his country for leadership of the Arab world for mastery of the technology of destruction, and the fight for Iraq s survival.

Informații suplimentare

Greutate 0,3 kg


Numar pagini

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