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Chip's Letter Sounds (饾懛饾拤饾拹饾拸饾拪饾拕饾挃: 饾懗饾拞饾挆饾拞饾拲 1)

Chip's Letter Sounds (饾懛饾拤饾拹饾拸饾拪饾拕饾挃: 饾懗饾拞饾挆饾拞饾拲 1)

Ilustrator: Alex Brychta


Conditie Carte


Read With Biff, Chip and Kipper is the UK's best-selling home reading series. Over 5 million copies of the series sold in the UK alone since 2005. It is based on Oxford Reading Tree which is used in 80% of primary schools. Level 1 Phonics have been designed to practise basic phonics skills with the help of favourite characters Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy. These essential phonics concepts form the basis of basis of children's reading and writing skills. Level 1
includes four exciting and colourful Phonics books, which focus on: 路 Letter sounds and letter shapes 路 The alphabet and letter names 路 Combining sounds to read simple words 路 Reading simple sentences for meaning. Each book also includes practical tips and ideas for you to use when you reading with
your child and fun activities, such as matching, spot the difference and mazes. Beautifully illustrated by Alex Brychta, these colourful and engaging Phonics books are the perfect introduction to learning to read.

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