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Welcome to Our Table: A Celebration of What Children Eat Everywhere

Welcome to Our Table: A Celebration of What Children Eat Everywhere

Ilustrator: Harriet Lynas

50,00 RON

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Find out what children eat all around the world in this beautifully illustrated book, written by bestselling poet and author Laura Mucha, alongside acclaimed cookbook author Ed Smith.

From pasta to passionfruit, baguettes to biryani, ramen to rambutan, there are so many different dishes and delicacies all around the world. In this fascinating book, young children can learn all about what people in other countries eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as where our food comes from, and the stories, cultures and traditions behind what we eat.

A unique, warm-hearted book that will teach children understanding, empathy and respect of differing experiences, cultures and tradition.

With engaging, colourful artwork on every page by award-winning illustrator Harriet Lynas.

"When my two were little, this would have been a favourite book, something that showed them the world, introduced different foods and cultures, had some amazing facts and that I - rather selfishly - would have enjoyed and learnt from too" - Diana Henry, Waitrose Weekend

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