A fantastic new graphic novel, in full colour, of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic adventure story, commissioned by Edinburgh, UNESCO City of Literature, created by world-class exponents of their art Alan Grant and Cam Kennedy. It has been translated into Gaelic by Ian MacDonald.
Sgeul-dhealbh ùr mìorbhaileach làn-dhathte sa Ghàidhlig stèidhichte air nobhail shiùbhlach ainmeil Robert Louis Stevenson, Kidnapped, air a bharantachadh le Dùn Èideann, Baile Litreachais UNESCO, agus air a chruthachadh le dithis luchd-ealain barraichte, Alan Grant agus Cam Kennedy. Air a chur dhan Ghàidhlig le Iain MacDhòmhnaill.